
星期二, 7月 31, 2018

UiPath RPA Academy "Lesson 1 - Introduction to UiPath" 之學習心得 PART1


RPA也就是Robotic Process Automation屬於一種自動化的流程(我認真第一個想到的是怎麼應用在網頁遊戲...)

see Announcement!!!

Level 1 - Foundation Training

Lesson 1頗有示範的感覺,課程上有介紹幾個實作,但UiPath RPA Academy最讓人頭痛的莫過於後面變化多端的Quiz。

  • Activities: Actions that we will use to automate applications.
  • Easiest way to create a workflow is by using the Record feature.
  • 4 Record Types: Basic, Desktop, Web, Citrix Recording.
  • Variable: A place where values can be stores within a workflow.
  • type String: A type that holds text values.
  • Trim function: Removes the spaces from the beginning and end of the string, leaving digits.
  • UI Explorer: Use for locating UI elements. (Max precision: Use underlying attributes.)
  • Store in 2 secure ways: 1. Windows Credentials Manager 2. UiPath Orchestrator
  • The best and easiest way to automate an application that is running on a remote machine is through virtual desktop.(Ex. Citrix)
  • logs紀錄robots做了什麼、audit trace every set、alerts通知異常狀態
Lesson 1 主要在介紹UiPath在Robotic Process Automation流程所使用的三種tool:
  • UiPath Studio
  • UiPath Robot
  • UiPath Orchestrator
UiPath Studio主要負責以視覺而非coding的方式develo自動化流程(workflows),建立project。
UiPath Robot是將UiPath Studio所有產生的自動化流程全部執行完成。
UiPath Orchestrator是一個web-based平台可以把UiPath Studio所製作的process進行排程,也可以檢視、安排所有process的匯總。類似一個management總管的概念,功能包含Assets、Alerts、Schedules等。



How can we change the scope of a variable?

By using the Manage Variables section of the Ribbon menu
By using the Outline panel
By using the Variables panel

What is a sequence most suitable for?

Workflows that imply decision making activities
Pieces of automation that can be used in a larger project
Short and simple workflows
When we first start a project, as a main workflow

Getting the content of a PDF document is possible:

By opening the PDF and using screen scraping to get its data.
This cannot be done by a UiPath robot.
By using the Read PDF Text activity and providing the PDF file’s path.

What is UiPath Explorer used for?

Writing text in textboxes
Clicking different elements of a web page
To get detailed information in regard to UI elements

Can you retrieve text from a Citrix environment?

No, you cannot. Only clicks are available inside a Citrix environment.
Yes, using the Scrape Relative function in combination with an OCR engine.

The most accurate way to access an UI element is:

by using selectors.
by using the element position on the screen.
by using OCR and finding that element on the screen.(X)

What recorders are best suitable for automating virtual environments?


The Type Into activity can receive inputs like:

An integer variable.
A static string.
A variable followed by the .toString method.

Where can you see the list of activities that you can use in a workflow?

In the Project panel
In the Activities panel
In the Outline panel

What are Queues used for?

Distribute transactional load among multiple robots
Schedule when a robot should start its work
Describe the activities inside a process

Which of the following is the IDE used to develop the UiPath workflows?

UiPath Orchestrator
UiPath Studio

Which of the following are part of the UiPath software platform?

UiPath Robot
UiPath Studio

UiPath Orchestrator

The Orchestrator can:

Remotely control robots
Schedule robots to perform specific processes

Send Start commands to multiple robots

What kind of actions can be performed in the Variables panel?

Setting default values for variables
Adding new variables
Changing variable types




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