Lesson 9 - Excel & Data Tables
- 所有關於Excel的作業都需要在Excel Application Scope。(除非是用workbook選項)
- 可以有兩個選擇,一個是需要install Excel,一個是不用。
- Datatable有format,對於資料有比較整齊的呈現。
- 不同file要用不同Excel Application Scope。
Append Range跟Write Range類似,除了他會繼續加在現有data後面。
Sort Table:用來整理資料,可以設定tablename來做篩選(注意一定要加上headers)
還有其他的Read Cell, Write Cell…
What happens if you try to use a Write Range activity to a .xlsx file that does not exist?
It will continue the execution without writing the data.It will create that file for you and write the data in it.
It will throw an error.
What activity should you use to read all the data from a .xlsx file?
Workbook Read RangeExcel Read Range
Workbook Read Cell
Excel Read Cell
What happens if you use the Write Range activity with the Range property set to “” to write a datatable to an excel file that already contains data?
It will append the new data to the existing data.It will throw an error.
It will overwrite the existing data.
What happens if the AddHeaders option is checked for Read Range Activity?
An exception is thrownNothing happens
A new row is added to the excel sheet
The first row from the specified range is considered to be the column names
What is the Output Data Table activity used for?
None of the options.Printing the Data Table in the Output panel.
Saves all data from the Data Table to a string variable.
Converting data to a Data Table.(X)
What happens if you use a Read Range activity with the Range property set to “” (an empty string)?
Reads all the information from the specified sheetThrows an exception(X)
Reads only the empty cells from the specified sheet
Reads only the first cell
How do you specify the Excel file to read from, in a Read Cell activity?
In the WorkbookPath property, provide the full path of the workbookYou have to manually open the workbook
In the WorkbookPath property, provide a relative path, if the workbook is in the project folder
What should you use if you want to get the value of a specific cell from a row in a datatable?
Get Data Row(X)Lookup data table
Add Data Row
Output Data Table
If you need to sort a table from an .xlsx file, what should you use?
You cannot sort a table.An Excel Get Table Range activity.
A Workbook Sort Table activity.
An Excel Sort data table activity.
What happens if you use the Excel Read Range activity to read a .xlsx file that is already opened?
It will read the document successfully.It will throw an error.
It will read an empty document.